
  • pharmasite research depression presents differently for children and teenagers
    Permalink Knowing how depression presents differently for children and teenagers can better equip you to help if they need it.Gallery

    How Depression Presents Differently for Children and Teenagers

How Depression Presents Differently for Children and Teenagers

Although depression may impact people of any age, it can be confusing since it often looks different in children, teenagers, and adults. Because teens are prone to moodiness, it can be tough to determine if they are struggling with depression. So, knowing how depression presents differently for children and teenagers can better equip you to help if they need it.

Several Treatments for Managing Depression

Because depression may be challenging to treat, it’s vital for a person to see a doctor with expertise in depression and be willing to try multiple different treatments. Most often, a combination of medication, therapy, and support provides the best results for managing symptoms. Let’s check out the several treatments for managing depression.

What Can You Do About Treating Depression?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the dominating cause of disability globally. It’s a chronic feeling of sadness, emptiness, or inability to feel pleasure that might occur for no apparent reason. Sadly, depression can undermine a person’s relationships, make maintaining good health difficult, and may lead to suicide in severe cases. Let’s discuss more about what depression is and what you can do to address it.
  • pharmasite research child or teen is experiencing migraines
    Permalink  If your child or teen is experiencing migraines, there are ways you may help. Gallery

    Is Your Child or Teen Experiencing Migraines? Ways You May Assist

Is Your Child or Teen Experiencing Migraines? Ways You May Assist

At one point or another, we have heard children say that their head hurts, but how serious is it? Before puberty, boys experience migraines more than girls. As the teenage years approach, migraines increase in girls. If a family member has a history of migraines, it may make children more prone to experiencing them too. If your child or teen is experiencing migraines, there are ways you may help.

The Emotional Effect of Alzheimer’s Disease on Loved Ones

Alzheimer’s disease can change many parts of a relationship, but not the need for love and affection. You might discover your role in your relationship has changed. You may also notice that your relationships with loved ones have changed. As a result, you’ll need to find several ways to express your feelings. Learn more about the emotional effect of Alzheimer’s disease on family and friends.
  • pharmasite research prevent alzheimer's disease
    Permalink Although some prevention strategies are not available yet, there are ways you may prevent Alzheimer's disease and other dementia types. Gallery

    Factors that May Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease Throughout Life

Factors that May Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease Throughout Life

In a world where the treatment options for Alzheimer’s disease are limited in extent, and no miracle drugs exist, the focus in the fight against this condition is on prevention. Although some prevention strategies are not available yet, there are ways you may prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia types. These include avoiding smoking, regularly exercising, and preserving your cardiovascular health.

Experiencing PTSD as a Veteran

For some people, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms might worsen in later years as they age, especially veterans. They may have memories of service or combat that still upset them years later. Read on to understand how it is to experience PTSD as a veteran and some helpful PTSD management tips.
  • pharmasite research coping with treatment-resistant depression
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    Practical Strategies for Coping with Treatment-Resistant Depression

Practical Strategies for Coping with Treatment-Resistant Depression

Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is a mental condition in which a person experiences persistent symptoms of depression despite several attempts to treat them. Although TRD is a challenging condition, fortunately, there are ways to cope with and manage symptoms to enhance the quality of life. Some practical strategies for coping with treatment-resistant depression include:

Treating Depression in Adults

Most patients who have depression will gain some relief from their depressive symptoms with treatment. Before a diagnosis or treatment is provided, a health professional will perform a thorough diagnostic evaluation. The evaluation will pinpoint specific symptoms and explore medical and family histories and cultural and environmental factors to plan a course of action. Let’s explore more about treating depression in adults.
  • pharmasite research treatment resistant depression
    Permalink It's imperative for persons with treatment-resistant depression to seek specialized care to manage their symptoms. Gallery

    Understanding Treatment-Resistant Depression and Its Importance

Understanding Treatment-Resistant Depression and Its Importance

Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is a form of major depression that doesn’t typically respond to conventional forms of treatment such as therapy or oral antidepressant. It also refers to a condition in which an individual experiences persistent symptoms of depression despite multiple attempts to treat them with standard interventions. Even though treatment-resistant depression is a challenging condition, it’s imperative for persons with TRD to seek specialized care to manage their symptoms.